Dear Friends

Dear Friends
The Albion Chronicles
Wolfe (One Last Time)
Shropshire Bedlams
Albion Heart
Albion Folk
The Written Word
Sway With Me
Hard Cash
Life's Little Ironies
The Dorsetshire Labourer
The Transports
25 Years Later
The Road To Colchester
A Daughter of Albion
Rupert Bear
Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Poor Murdered Woman
In Merstham Tunnel
The Murder of Maria Marten
Grace Notes
They Called Her Babylon
Sweet Themmes Run Softly
The Albion River Hymn
Hark The Village Wait
Hark! The Village Wait: Lyrics and Notes
Stories I Have Tried To Write
Swan Arcade
Sound, Sound Your Instruments of Joy
Two Unsolved
John 'Babbacombe' Lee
The Summer Before The War
Meet On The Ledge
Mr Fox
A Picture of Britain
Elegy Written In A Country Church Yard
The Duck Race
Morris Off

Now Where're They Off To?


Now that is a very good question indeed! We had no idea what direction this website was going to take. Usually we have some idea, at least of where we're going, but not this time, we still don't, but to a lesser degree than previously.  it goes to the heart, and that is where we'd like to go with this website, to examine just a little closer that which makes up England and its history, in this case its history through song and the written word, the usual sample links can be found in their usual place, on you right hand side of this page, some of them are not your usual ones, but that's the point to The Albion Chronicles, off our usual beaten path......Oh and don't worry, the usual gang of suspects, Ashley Hutchings et al aren't far you'll see it is the vision of Ashley and company, Show of Hands, and alot of matters musical that will colour the look of this particular site, but you knew that already..... come on, let's have a look......

Long Song Seller



the worst uprising of Henry VIII's
reign.  It was a direct result of the
dissolution of the monasteries, a
policy which confused and angered
most Englishmen

Ashley Hutchings

Music and Such

a venue in Cambridge run by
singer/songwriter Bernard Hoskin
which presents a wide range of
non-mainstream music in a small
concert setting. Now five years old
it has established a reputation as
one of the best small venues in
the country.

The 30,000 broadside ballads
 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
 are now available online

The website of the
Traditional Drama Research Group

A study of English Social Musicians
 from the 17th century onwards
from their manuscripts.

the web page concerning
the well respected on line
folk music magazine
at our Rise Up Like The Sun
Website.with links to the
aforesaidmagazine, of course!

part of the
History of English Rock n' Roll:
The Early Years : 1800-1914

fascinating stuff here.
music, song, dance
and a whole lot more

Internet magazine
A web-based folk magazine
for the West Midlands, Warwickshire,
Worcestershire, Herefordshire,
Shropshire and Staffordshire.

if it's traditional dance
it's here

Music Traditions

 albionchronicles is
not responsible
for the content of
external internet sites,
except our own of course,
but you knew that already.

'e knows ya know

 The Albion Chronicles Website is 
© 2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/
All Rights Reserved