Over The Tadpole Bridge
![Clivden on Thames [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/clivdenthames.jpg.w180h263.jpg)
Well, not right at this moment, but we'll get there. There are two arguments right off the top. They are, (1) The
actual source of the Thames (you have a choice of two), (2) The origins of the name, "Thames", neither of which we are going
indulge in, we have our opinions, but that is not the intention of this page. This is a journey, not only through place, but
also through time, it's a journey through lives as well, we'll be touching on quite a few of those, for characters abound
along this great river The sources for this page are four in number, three books and a recording. The three books are,
Time on the Thames by Eric de Mare, published in 1952 and republished in 1975. The Thames, by A.P. Herbert, published in 1966,
and Sweet Thames Run Softly by Robert Gibbings, originally published in 1940. All are, as you can read, older books, but it
was the sentiments and observations that attracted us to these particular books, so...... The album?.......Well once again,
the body of work by that man of many parts comes to the forefront, we are refering to the incredible Ashley Hutchings, of course, and the absolutely brilliant Albion River Hymn : A Celebration of
the River Thames, conceived and written by A.H. and Mary Miller. It is invocative, joyous, celebratory. It flows, as the Thames
flows, as stated earlier, through place and time The Thames has always been, may it always be so... Let us begin our
journey, from the heartland of England, down to the sea..........but to quote Eric de Mare......
"On the river, hurry should still be regarded as mortal sin".
![Goring on Thames [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/goringapthames.jpg.w300h178.jpg)