John Kirkpatrick
The Duck Race
Morris Dance tunes from Shropshire
![J.K art nouveau [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/jkartnouveau.jpg.w180h248.jpg)
The subtitle of ths truly great album, Morris Dance Tunes from Shropshire, really gives the game away. It features tunes
used by Shropshire Bedlams and Martha Rhoden's Tuppenny Dish - the two Bishops Castle-based sides with which JK has been associated for the best part of a generation. Some are Trad.
Arr., some are written by members of the two teams which of course include John and Sally Kirkpatrick. Capering, shouting
and general chaos are the order of the day and in fact the title track is a dance which John invented in 1998 as a finishing
off-piece. This is just John, on various boxes including single and 2 row melodeons, treble, bass and baritone concertinas,
occasionally overdubbed in self-duets. Tunes are traditional, or original tunes 'in the tradition
Would much of the modern interest in Morris have emerged without John's work in the album Morris On? This may be a question
for future academics to debate at length. This glorious record is very far from being an academic piece, however. Rather
it is a vibrant and vigorous example of the music which has been crafted over the years, and indeed continues to be written,
to nurture the Morris traditions, and which, God knows, we need in this world. Morris On!
Bluff King Hat
The Dancing Oolert / The Jubilee Clip
Fair Play / Traveller's Joy
Old Towler / Sawdl y Fuwch
The Herefordshire Lasses / The Buffoon
Shreds And Patches
The Middle Road / The Daisy Chain
The Gazebo Trot / Britvitting In The Cauliflowers
John Locke's Polka / Sucha A Getting Upstairs I Never Did See / Polly Put The Kettle On / Speed The Plough
The Waterloo Dance
The One Armed Bandit
Stretching With Edward / Pontylinks
April Fool
The Brecon Hornpipe / Capturing
The Duck Race

Fledg'ling FLED 3043 2004 |
and you can't say fairer
than that, can you?
The Kirpatrick's five-piece band for ceilidhs
and country dance sessions.
Write-up, unsolicited testimonials,
photos, the lot! using the name of a
tune he wrote many years ago
after buying a bike from a certain
Mr Gubbins! They play
English tunes for English dances
in an English style
![John and Sally [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/johnandsallydancinginsepia.jpg.w180h135.jpg)
John and Sally Kirkpatrick dancing in sepia |